
University of Colorado, Department of Biostatistics & Informatics

Course Year(s) Taught Course Number Description
Model Selection 2023 BIOS 7722 (PhD Elective) This course surveys methods for choosing an optimal statistical model in biostatistical and public health applications. Topics include: Occam’s Razor, information theoretic measures, asymptotic efficiency vs consistency, prediction vs description, overfitting, the bias/variance tradeoff, model evaluation, model validation, variable selection algorithms, model averaging/ensembles, and computer-intensive model evaluation.
Statistical Consulting 2020-2024 BIOS 6621 Students gain experience with statistical consulting and common statistical problems encountered in consulting through examples and consultations with investigators. Emphasis is on methods for effective consulting and communication with investigators.
Applied Biostatistics II 2021-2022 BIOS 6602 This course extends basic principles of descriptive and inferential statistics (BIOS 6601) to examine more complex relationships/models, including linear regression, logistic regression, model selection, survival analysis, and more.

University of Iowa, Department of Biostatistics

  • Course Instructor, Introduction to Biostatistics (2015 & 2018)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Categorical Data Analysis (2018)
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Biostatistics (2014 – 2015)

St. Olaf College

  • Math Clinic Tutor, Academic Support Center (2013)
  • Teaching Assistant, Game Theory (2012)

Last updated: January 2025